LEading from the feminine:
weaving the world anew
Discover wisdom for rebalancing the gender bias of our social ecology in the beautiful new Bioneers newsletter, “Leading from the Feminine: Weaving the World Anew.” Long-time collaborators, writers and activists Nina Simons and Anneke Campbell have curated this intersectional resource to bridge divides and celebrate connections within the rich tapestry of trailblazers who are evoking the feminine to lead with courage, vulnerability, intuition and empathy. How might our world be different if we prioritized care, lifting others up, relational intelligence, sharing power, and devotion in our leadership, rather than winning, competing, and brute force? This twice-monthly newsletter will illuminate the most intersectional, effective and beautiful work offering solutions to pressing gender-based challenges, and explore topics that are sometimes overlooked, including the art of mothering as leadership, the power of reclaiming healthy emotions, and the role of art and creativity in advancing transformative change.
"Sharing moving stories of women around the world joining together to create change, as well as weaves in teachings from indigenous cultures of how to reconnect people, nature, and the land.
This is an amazing book that will inspire our current population of women and generations to come. This is such an important book to help us ride the waves of change."
Sandra Ingerman, author of
Soul Retrieval and Walking in Light:
The Everyday Empowerment of
Shamanic Life
Ecological & Social Healing: Multicultural Women's Voices
Ecological and Social Healing: Multicultural Women's Voices weaves together essays by fourteen multicultural women (including a few Anglo women) who are doing work that crosses the boundaries of ecological and social healing. The women are prominent academics, writers and leaders spanning Native American, Indigenous, Asian, African, Latina, Jewish and Multiracial backgrounds. The contributors express a myriad of ways that the relationship between the ecological and social have brought new understanding to their experiences and work in the world. Moreover by working with these edges of awareness, they are identifying new forms of teaching, leading, healing and positive change.
| “Ecological and Social Healing is one of the most inspiring and beautifully conceived compendium of texts by formidable women writers and scholars on the most salient and urgent issues of our troubled Anthropocene. It is a clarion call, an imperative, a spiritual crossroads for understanding and appreciating our interconnectedness and indebtedness to one another and the "more-than-human". From explications of the profound spiritual traditions of Navajo and Filipino cultures, to talk of restructuring our global economy and so much more, this compelling book teems with antidotes to living in a dark, paralyzed, wounded time. Let us gather and absorb the gnosis here and act on it. Many kudos to editor Jeanine M. Canty for moving our century forward..”
Anne Waldman, poet and Chancellor
of The Academy of American Poets

Moonrise: The Power of Women
Leading from the Heart
Nina Simons and Anneke Campbell’s anthology Moonrise: The Power of Women Leading from the Heart was published to critical acclaim. Through a tapestry of over 30 voices and stories, Moonrise illuminates how women and many men are redefining the leadership landscape across a diversity of perspectives, generations and ethnicities.
| “May this book filled with the words of women still connected to their heart, in fact, still driven by the passion of its thought, be a guide to others for believing we can think and feel intensely at the same time, finding our way to balance with all that exists.”
Alice Walker, author of The Color Purple and Pulitzer Prize winner
| “Nina Simons’ Moonrise brings together thirty wise essays on transforming the old ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ division into a human style of leadership. These are writers and activists who know how to link rather than rank, and so can help each of us to learn as well as to lead.”
Gloria Steinem, founder of Ms. Magazine

Articles, Interviews & Essays